Boyes Hot Springs, History, Holidays, People

Christmas 1923

A sampler of Christmas from the Index Tribune, one hundred years ago.

Sonoma was in the grip of movie fever. Actor/producer/director/swindler Harold Binney had arrived to set up his studio. Local were recruited to be extras in the “Account of the No Account Count.” Alas, Binney absconded having written bad checks, and Sonoma as Hollywood North never materialized.

See you at the Union Hotel for Christmas dinner? Oh, that’s right. They tore it down and built an unlovely Bank of America! However, they were considerate enough to erect a bronze plaque commemorating what they had destroyed.

Directors included Sam Sebastiani, and Frank Wedekind.


I wonder how Mr. Abbott came by the molds. Spoils of war?

In 1923 it did not take much to produce contentment, apparently!

“Bring along your rifle!”

By 1923 the railroads had significant competition from bus lines. The egg laying contest had thirty six entries, eleven of them from outside California! The IOOF building is still there and in great shape.

Sonoma Index Tribune courtesy of the Sonoma Valley Historical Society
